Public Holidays in Cyprus

Here you will find the Public Holidays in Cyprus.
The most important is really Easter, which is bigger than Christmas here.
New Years Day was also historically more important than Christmas day,
however that is changing fast in our more consumer society. Easter is still
a mainly religious festival, and although chocolate eggs are now present in
the shops in greater quantity, the traditionally dyed hard boiled eggs and
the flaounes (a special pie) and midnight mass, after which the fast ends
and all proclaim ' Christos Anesti ' (Christ is risen.)
Public Holidays
1 January New Year's Day
6 January Epiphany
25 March Greek Independence Day
1 April EOKA Day
1 May May Day
15 August Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
1 October Cyprus Independence Day
28 October Ochi Day
25 December Christmas Day
26 December 2nd day of Christmas
Moveable Feasts Religion:
Orthodox Paschal Calculator
until 4099
Feast |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
Clean (or Green) Monday
(start of Lent) |
Mar 11 |
Mar 02 |
Mar 15 |
Mar 07 |
Good Friday (except shops) |
April 19 |
April 10 |
April 23 |
April 15 |
Easter |
April 21 |
April 12 |
April 25 |
April 17 |
Easter Monday |
April 22 |
April 13 |
April 26 |
April 18 |
Easter Tuesday* |
April 23 |
April 14 |
April 27 |
April 19 |
Pentacost |
Jun 16 |
June 07 |
June 20 |
June 12 |
Holy Ghost (Monday after Pentecost)* |
Jun 17 |
June 08 |
June 21 |
June 13 |
* Some shops may be open.

Holidays falling on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday) are not moved. |